Showing 19 Result(s)
is milo good for chickens

Is Milo Good for Chickens?

Milo, also known as sorghum, is a type of cereal grain commonly used in animal feed. It is known for its drought tolerance and ability to grow in regions with less water availability. However, when considering milo as a feed option for chickens, it is essential to understand its nutritional value and how it compares …

Are Hydrangeas Poisonous to Chickens?

If you have chickens and hydrangeas in your backyard, you may be wondering if hydrangeas are poisonous to chickens. Hydrangeas are popular ornamental plants that produce beautiful flowers in shades of pink, blue, and purple. However, not all parts of the hydrangea plant are safe for chickens to consume. Common Names of Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are …

can chickens eat thistles?

Can Chickens Eat Thistles?

Are you wondering whether your chickens can eat thistles? As a chicken owner, it’s important to understand what your chickens can and cannot eat to ensure their health and well-being. While chickens are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, not all plants are safe for them to consume. Thistles are a common weed …

What chicken breeds live well together

Chickens are among the most popular poultry animals due to their ability to produce eggs and their unique personalities. There is much to consider when choosing the right chickens for your flock. Certain breeds get along better with each other than others, and it is essential to understand which species are compatible. Not all chicken …

can chickens eat sourdough bread

Can chickens eat sourdough bread?

If you’re like me, you love sourdough bread. That tangy, slightly acidic taste is addicting, and there’s nothing quite like a nice, crusty slice of sourdough toasted and slathered with butter. But can chickens eat sourdough bread? I did a little digging to find out. The answer, as it turns out, is yes—with a few …

can chicken eat expired yogurt

Can chickens eat expired yogurt?

We’ve all been there before. You open up the fridge and realize that that container of yogurt you bought a few days ago has expired. You’re about to throw it out when you remember that your chickens love yogurt. But is it safe for them to eat expired yogurt? The answer is yes, chicken can …

feeding chicken garlic bread

Can chicken eat garlic bread?

You might have read that bread is not a good treat for chicken. So what about garlic bread to be specific? The short answer is yes, chicken can eat garlic bread but in moderation. Garlic bread is a delicious snack that can be enjoyed by people and chickens alike. Made with garlic, butter, and bread, …

why do chickens stop laying eggs in the winter

Reasons why chickens stop laying eggs in the winter?

Low sunlight during the winter months is the main cause of why chickens stop laying eggs during winter. Light is essential when it comes to laying eggs, and the lack of it, therefore, reduces the chances of egg production. Most new farmers may be caught by surprise when their chickens drastically reduce egg production during …

green eggs

What chicken lays green eggs?

Yes, green eggs are actually a thing, and we don’t mean easter painted green eggs. You might be used to the normal white eggs or the all too common brown eggs. However, there are a couple of chicken breeds that lay green eggs. As a matter of fact, there are quite a number of chicken …